Your child has a visceral reaction every time a green vegetable is on the dinner menu; he may complain that broccoli makes him sick or Brussel sprouts hurt his teeth. Nice try, you say! You know better. But what about a real food allergy? Outside of the feigned stomach pains and spitting food into a napkin, there are real indicators that your child has a food allergy. Here is how you can recognize food allergies in your child, as well as the difference between a food allergy vs. Read More
childrens food allergies
Are Children’s’ Food Allergies Getting Worse?
At one time, airplanes served peanuts and school lunches included peanut butter sandwiches. Now there are so many stories in the media and online about children’s food allergies, you may worry more about hurting your child with certain foods than making sure they get a balanced diet. Is this because food allergies are the latest scare, or are children’s good allergies really getting worse? A Hot Topic If your child has a food allergy, eating even the smallest bite or being exposed to certain Read More